Thursday, July 14, 2011

Advertorial: PreVView Visume Wars

Hi people! You guys must be thinking what exactly is Prevview and this Visumé Wars in this post. Well, it is not exactly linked to Star Wars or anything, but...
Let me tell you more about it!

1) Dedicated Profile Page – Just like Facebook and it’s Free!
Imagine having a jobseeker profile where you can express your true self professionally and effectively. Your outstanding soft skills and vibrant personalities will no longer have to be dormant within a piece of paper. Prevview enables you to give a voice and personality to your paper resumes, through cutting edge video streaming technology.
You no longer need to attach various documents to your potential employer. Speak to them directly through your visumés and let them know why you should be hired. Back your visumés up with downloadable important and relevant documents such as cover letter, resume, portfolio, and reference letters .

2) Two-Pronged Approach To Job Search

A) Search for Jobs with our comprehensive search function and apply immediately. Because our Employers are provided with unlimited job postings, jobseekers can rest assure that they will get the most updated job vacancies in town.

B) Be headhunted by registered Employers - All employers are provided with the Search capability where they can search for and request to interview candidates.

3) In-Depth Information about Employers

We all know the importance of research before going for an interview. We also know how important it is to understand a job scope before applying for a job – no one wants to come off as unsure or be taken by surprise during an interview.

To enable jobseekers to be as well prepared as possible, Prevview has created dedicated profile pages for employers as well! Everything you need from the HR Video, to Written Profiles and comprehensively described Job Postings to Getting Hired Tips and Q&A can be found under one roof, the Employer Profile Page.

4) Visumé Guide

With our tech world ablaze with fancy gadgets, Prevview assures all jobseekers that making a visumé takes only 5 simple steps. is well furbished with a comprehensive video guide as well as Visumé tips and articles to help you along the way.

5) Privacy Settings

A) All profiles are viewable only by registered Employers. What’s more, our technology ensures that Employers will not be able to save your video on their computers.

B) You have the option of keeping your profile entirely private [employers cannot search for you, but you can browse through employer profiles and still apply for jobs!].

C) The “Block” feature lets you insert keywords that will block views from everyone associated with them. For e.g. Prevview is your employer and you do not wish for them to see that you have a profile on the portal. Simply enter Prevview as a keyword and any Employer associated with Prevview will not be able to view your profile!

Hear Ye! Hear Ye! The Visumé Wars Have Begun! has declared an official Visumé War in Singapore. We call upon everyone from the age of 18-35* to step into the professional battle field, in a questto differentiate yourselves – it’s talent vs talent, Visumé vs Visumé!
Unlike any other video showdown, this war appeals to every jobseeker’s mostbasic struggles. That is, to stand out from the sea of jobseekers with similar talentsand credentials and, to prevent themselves from being lost under a stack of paper of resumes.
Entry is simple and the prizes, amazing. Whether you are looking to get your handson a beautiful iPad2 or a job position [or both!] with our participating partners, this is competition for you.

The power to conquer is in your hands!

All you need to do is put together a Visume – what we at Prevview call Video Resumes – that will show and tell us why you would make a great employee. You can sing, dance, rap, produce a movie or even sell a brick. Be it creative or professional, do it your way and boldly express your best self. Below is a sample video(a funny one) of how a Visume is like:

50 prizes to be won!**

43 participants from Category A and Category B who have received the highest People's Choice scores will receive $10,000 worth of attractive prizes. Seven out of all the participants the Special Category will be placed in amazing job positions at the participating company of their choice [Winners are subjected to the discretion of our participating partner].

So, answer the declaration for war now - Prevview is providing you the weapon and you just have to bring it!

*The competition is open to anyone in any country. However, collection of prizes will be done in the Singapore Prevview office.

**Please refer to our Assessment Criteria for more information.

Your Dress code is of great importance! Wear appropriately and leave a good first impression of you to your future boss. Appropriate attire upholds your image and credibility. It shows that you take the job and interview process seriously. It shows that you understand what is required of you. The following tips (click)will ace you through the dress code for face-to-face interview, in this case, the Visumé. Alternatively, you might want to take a look here on how to dress appropriately for various job positions.
Now, some tips on creating a Visume.
1. Simply create an entertaining 90 second Visume that tells us why you would be a great Employee to any company. All entries need to be uploaded to Visumes should be no more than 90 seconds long with a file size under 300mb. There’s also a brief application form to fill out online.
2. An English Visume please.
3. Your video entry will be judged on its messaging and creativity, this includes:

i)Show and Tell us why you would make a great employee. You may even ask your references to appear on the Visume and pitch on your behalf.

ii)Creativity – you can sing, dance, rap, produce a movie or even sell a brick on your Visume. What matters is that it must represent you.

4. Do not include phone numbers or contact details (including email addresses). You can include details of your website, facebook, twitter and other social media platforms.

5. All videos must be 90 seconds or under. Participants with entries over this time limit will be notified and taken down.

6. Music and images can be included in the entry, though you must have the appropriate licences, permissions and clearances.

7. Once you have registered, you will receive a welcome email with a link to your Visume Wars profile. You can share this link with your network of contacts, who can vote for your entry. If your entry has been rejected, you will receive an email with an explanation for its rejection.

Your profile will, however, only be LIVE for voting when you have filled up the online registration form, uploaded your Visume and selected your prize category.

8. Last but not least, One entry per person and use a good video camera! :)

What are you waiting for? Join the Visumé Wars now!

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